Asbestos Removal: 3 Areas Where Asbestos Is Found

Asbestos is not harmful when it is undisturbed. However, it can become dangerous if damaged or deteriorating. In this situation, the asbestos may need to be removed. Unfortunately, asbestos removal can be daunting, especially if you don't know where to look for asbestos. This blog post will discuss three common areas where asbestos is often found. 

1. Insulation materials

Asbestos insulation is generally found in two forms: loose-fill and sprayed-on. Loose-fill insulation is made up of small pieces of asbestos that have been mixed with other materials. It was often used in attics and crawl spaces. Sprayed-on insulation, on the other hand, consists of a dense layer of asbestos that has been applied directly to walls and ceilings. If you suspect that your home may contain asbestos insulation, it is essential to have it inspected by a qualified professional. An asbestos removal contractor will be able to identify asbestos-containing materials and determine whether they pose a risk to your health. If necessary, the inspector can also provide guidance on safely removing or repairing any asbestos-containing materials in your home.

2. Pipe coverings

Asbestos pipe coverings are typically found on older homes and buildings. They may be found on both hot and cold water pipes, as well as on insulation around heating ducts. Asbestos pipe coverings are usually grey or white in colour and have a textured surface. If you suspect that material in your home contains asbestos, you should contact a qualified professional to have it sampled and tested. These samples can then be sent off for analysis at a lab. If asbestos is present, you will need to decide whether or not to remove it.

3. Roofing materials

If your home is not a new build, it's important to know how to identify asbestos so that you can take action to keep yourself and your family safe. Asbestos roofing generally comes in two forms: corrugated sheeting and flat sheeting. Asbestos roofing usually has a soft, fibrous texture and may be black, brown, or grey in colour. They may also be marked with "asbestos" or another warning label. If you suspect that your roofing shingles contain asbestos, do not attempt to remove them yourself. Instead, contact a professional who can safely test and remove the materials.

Asbestos is a serious issue that only trained professionals should handle. Contact a service provider in your area for more information about asbestos removal
