How Steerable Trenchless Drilling Can Sometimes Achieve the Impossible

Have you found the perfect plot of land that ticks all the right boxes for you? In this case, you may have been looking for a space with the right configuration, aspect and location so that you can build the home of your dreams without any delay. Yet, very few things are straightforward in life, and you may have some considerable obstacles in your path. You may have to deal with a waterway or wetlands or somebody else's developed properties, and these represent a major problem when connecting underground utilities. Is this a showstopper, or is there a way around it?

Connecting to the Outside World

If you are to build your home on this land, you will, of course, need to connect a range of utilities, from electricity to data, from water to sewage. Some of these utilities will inevitably need to be underground, and this may be difficult given the surrounding obstacles.

Seeking Permission

Your next-door neighbour will hardly be happy if you apply for permission to dig up their development in order to lay pipes, cables or conduit. Alternatively, you may think that options are severely limited if you have a waterway of some kind on your periphery.

Steerable Drilling

In both of these cases, the answer may well be steerable, trenchless, directional drilling. While this may sound like a mouthful, it is nevertheless the best way for you to traverse such an obstacle so that you can connect your new building to the outside world.

Latest technology

Special equipment will be brought in and used by experienced technicians. Once the equipment has been introduced to the bore, sensors will send back measurements to a surface unit so the operator knows exactly where the drill bit is located. Special pads on the outside of the tool can be brought into play, and these will push against the side of the bore, causing the bit to move in the opposing direction. Consequently, the drill can be moved around any obstacle with high efficiency on the way to its destination.

Skilled Contractors

This is, of course, expert work and will require the latest equipment. You will need to get in touch with experienced companies, who will liaise with utility providers and be happy to come up with a workable plan. All in all, this may help you to achieve your dream and make something that would otherwise have been very difficult to accomplish, possible.

For more information, reach out to a local directional drilling service.
